How to Perfectly Poach an EB Egg

How to Perfectly Poach an EB Egg
in stores within 72 hrs of being laid, so they are always super fresh!
  • 2 teaspoons white vinegar
  • Small saucepan
  • Slotted Spoon
  • Whisk
  • Avocado Toast, Salad, or another dish to top with your poached EB egg
  • First, fill the small saucepan with a couple inches of water and the vinegar - the vinegar helps prevent the egg whites from separating.

    Heat the water until it is simmering, but not a rolling boil. You just want to see little bubbles at the bottom. I set my stove to medium heat.

    Then, take your spoon and swirl that water around a bit... think mini-whirlpool.

    Crack your EB egg into a small measuring cup or ramekin.

    To put the egg in the water, place the dish as close to the water as you can and slowly pour the egg into the middle of your mini-whirlpool. It will spin around a bit and you’ll see the egg whites start to separate and then connect back to the whole egg so don't worry!

    Turn off the heat, cover, and let it sit for 3 minutes for a softer yolk or 4 for a more firm yolk.

    Remove cooked EB egg with a slotted spoon, and voila, you are ready to top your avo toast, your rice bowl, or even your soup with a perfectly poached egg.

    Check out our video here!

    Have any tips on how you poach the perfect EB egg? Let us know on social @egglandsbest.